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History of Britain. Practice Book






















History of Britain























УДК 372.881.111.1


Печатается по решению научно-методического совета

 МБОУ Лингвистическая гимназия № 6

Протокол № 1 от 6.09.2013








кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры «Английский язык и методика преподавания английского языка»
 ФГБОУ ВПО «Пензенский государственный университет»
Н.А. Аверьянова;


кандидат педагогических наук,
заслуженный учитель Российской Федерации,
директор МБОУ Лингвистической гимназии №6 г.Пензы
В.В. Кашаева








         О.В. Кузнецова

         История Британии: рабочая тетрадь к учебному пособию для 7 класса «История Британии» / О.В. Кузнецова. – Пенза: МБОУ Лингвистическая гимназия № 6, 2013. – 22с.







УДК 372.881.111.1.





© МБОУ Лингвистическая гимназия № 6 г. Пензы, 2013

© О.В. Кузнецова, 2013

Chapter 1



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     Britain has always been an island.

2.     Britain has a mild climate.

3.     The Iberians lived in Britain about 2 thousand years B.C.

4.     Celts never invaded Britain.

5.     The most powerful celtic chiefs were called kings.

6.     Celts were pagan people.

7.     The druids were teachers and doctors.


Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                         

    After the end of the last ice age.


2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         By a people known as the Iberians.



     3. __________________________________________________________ ?


         A people called the Celts.



     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


         They lived in villages.



      5. _________________________________________________________ ?


         By druids.



Chapter 2



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     Stonehange was built 1200 B.C.

2.     Stonehange is still a mystery for people.

3.     Now scholars think it was used as a burial place.

4.     There are no celtic words in modern English.

5.     “The Downs” is a name of chalk highlands.

6.     “Avon” means lake in celtic.


Chapter 3



Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                        

    In the first century A.D.


2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         In the 55 B.C.



     3. __________________________________________________________ ?





     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


         By the walls which they built across Britain.



      5. _________________________________________________________ ?


         A high civilization to the British Isles.

Chapter 4



Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     Where did Juius Caesar come from Rome to?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     Wat does the word “Ilyn-din” mean?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     Why is Britain called “Albion”?




_________________________________________________________ .



4.     Which language does the name “Britain” come from?


_________________________________________________________ .



5.     Why did rhe Romans call the land “Britannia”?


_________________________________________________________ .



6.     What does the word “celebrated” mean?


_________________________________________________________ .



7.     What does the word “distant” mean?


_________________________________________________________ .



Chapter 5



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     The written word was important for establishing power in Britain.

2.     We do not know words of Latin origin in Modern English.

3.     The word “castra” means “camp”.

4.     Romans improved the quality of life in Britain.

5.     Milestones were not tall.

6.     Some modern laws are based on Roman laws.


Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                        

    Skills of reading and writing.


2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         The written word.



     3. __________________________________________________________ ?





     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


         A quantity of miles from one place to another.



      5. _________________________________________________________ ?


         Arguments could be settled peacefully.




Chapter 6



Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     Why could not the Britons keep their land free for a long time?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     Why did the Angles and the Saxons unite?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     What kingdoms did the Anglo-Saxons form?




_________________________________________________________ .



4.     What shows the strength of Anglo-saxon culture today?


_________________________________________________________ .



5.     Why is “Kington a frequent place-name?


_________________________________________________________ .



6.     What shoes that the first Saxon villages were family villages?


_________________________________________________________ .



7.     What does the word “ton” mean?




Chapter 7



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     The word “Vikings” means “pirates”.

2.     The Vikings started to invade England about 590 AD.

3.     Lndon was rained in 856.

4.     The Vikinds traded as far as Russia.

5.     The Vikings were calm and peaceful people.

6.     King Alfred fought against The Vikings.

7.     York is a city, founded by the Vikings.


Chapter 8



Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     How did King Alfred prepare for the defense of his land?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     What did King Alfred do after the victory over the Danes?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     What Danish kinds ruled over England?


_________________________________________________________ .



4.     What does the word “code” mean?


_________________________________________________________ .


Chapter 9



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     The Normans were the Vikings.

2.     William the Conqueror invaded Britain in 1666.

3.     William the Conqueror was a harsh ruler.

4.     Three languages were spoken in England at that time.

5.     William the Conqueror was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

6.     Many English kings are buried in Westminster Abbey.

7.     Many English words are of French origin.


Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                        

    In 1066.


2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         For 21 years.



     3. __________________________________________________________ ?


         In Westminster Abbey .



     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


         Stone and marble.



      5. _________________________________________________________ ?


         “God Save the King”.



Chapter 10



Number the sentences to show the correct order.



1.                                         Many other Saxons, who were oppresed by the Normans, soon learened that

 Robin was in Sherwood Forest. __________________

2.                                         Robin Hood was kind and never hurt weak and poor. ___________

3.                                         Robin Hood was a legendary hero of England. _________________

4.                                         We do not know how he got the name Hood. __________________

5.                                         He received the Golden Arrow and left the town. _______________

6.                                         The sheriff organized a contest where he could arrest Robin.  _____

7.                                         Robin went to the contest.__________________________________

8.                                         Nobody recognized Robin._________________________________

9.                                         She dressed herself like a knight and went to look for Robin. ______

10.                                     Once, Robin met  Marian and they fell in love. ________________

11.                                     Marian lived near Robin’s house. ___________________________

12.                                     Marian did not see Robin for a long time and missed him. ________

13.                                     So, they were happy at last. ________________________________

14.                                     When  Marian found Robin he did not recognise her.____________

15.                                     Marian cried and Robin understood who she was._______________










Chapter 11



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     Richard I spent his life fighting in Crusades.

2.     He was tall and handsome.

3.     Richard never qurreled with his father.

4.     Once his ship was wrecked in the Atlantic Ocean.

5.     Duke of Austria was Richard’s best friend.

6.     Richard’s friend found him in  prison.

7.     Duke of Austria let Richard  out of the prison.

8.     Richard was killed in Austria.


Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                        



2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         Henry II.



     3. __________________________________________________________ ?


         Third Crusade.



     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


         As a merchant.



      5. _________________________________________________________ ?



Chapter 12



Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     Why was King John unpopular with the people of England?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     What did John hope to do in 1215?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     Why was “Magna Carta” important?


_________________________________________________________ .



4.     What did the word “freeman” mean at that time?


_________________________________________________________ .




Explain the meaning of the following words in English.


1.     Nobles

2.     Greedy

3.     Inherit

4.     Taxes

5.     To carry out smb’s duty

6.     To sign an agreement



Chapter 13



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     Renaissance was first started in England.

2.     “Grammer” schools were attached to a cathedral.

3.     Most books at that time were written in Latin.

4.     Church did not take part in thу new intellectual movement.

5.     Only few people could enter the university at that time.

6.     Most Endlish people spoke Latin and French.


Chapter 14



Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     Why was Edward III popular with the people of England?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     What does the legend about King Arther say?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     How was the Order of the Garter introduced?


_________________________________________________________ .



4.     What did the phrase “Code of Chivalry” mean at that time?




Chapter 15



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     There were many cities in Britain in the 11th – 14th centuries.

2.     London was surrounded by walls with a number of gates.

3.     There were many bridges across Thames.

4.     London Bridge was the wonder of the world.

5.     London streets were clean and light at that time.

6.     Thames was the “main street” in London.

7.     The duty of the watchman was to tell the time and weather at night.


Chapter 16


Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                        

    Wars against Scotland and France..


2. __________________________________________________________ ?




     3. __________________________________________________________ ?





     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


         Wat Tyler.





Chapter 17



Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     Why was Henry VI unpopular with the people of England?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     What groups were the nobility dividede in?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     How lond did the Wars of Roses last?


_________________________________________________________ .



4.     How did the Wars of Roses  influence the way of life in England?


_________________________________________________________ .




Explain the meaning of the following words in English.


1.     Depose

2.     Accuse

3.     Challenger

4.     Discontented

5.     Mental illness






Chapter 18



True or False? Correct the false sentences.



1.     Henry VII built the foundations of  a powerful monarchy.

2.     Henry VII did not like wars.

3.     He created a new nobility.

4.     He spent huge sums of money on ship building.

5.     Henry VIII was like his father.

6.     Henry VIII is known to have six wives.

7.     The letters “F.D.” stand for “Defender of the Faith”.



Chapter 19



Explain the meaning of the following words in English.

1.     famous

2.     popular

3.     pirate

4.     armada

5.     fleet

Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                         



2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         Spanish Armada.



     3. __________________________________________________________ ?


         Elizabeth I.



     4. __________________________________________________________ ?






Chapter 20


True or False? Correct the false sentences.



1.     Educated people began to speak “correct” English from Tudor times.

2.     Literacy increased greatly in the 18th century.

3.     England felt the effects of  the Renaissance before Europe.

4.     William Shakespeare was born in the capital of the country.

5.     Guns and printing were invented in Middle Ages in England.

6.     The invention of printing meant that new ideas could spread easily.


Chapter 21


Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     Why were the Stuart monarchs less successful than the Tudors?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     What does “parliamentary monarchy” mean?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     Why did the Civil War between the king and the Parliament begin?


_________________________________________________________ .



4.     Why did the king’s army surrender?





Chapter 22



Explain the meaning of the following words in English.


1.     surrender

2.     Civil War

3.     dictator

Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                         

   Oliver Cromwell.


2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         Order and organization.




     3. __________________________________________________________ ?





     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


Westminster Abbey .


Chapter 23



True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     The gretest epidemic of plague broke in London in 1555.

2.     Plague was carried by black rats.

3.     Few people recovered from the Plague.

4.     Rats helped the disease to spread in London.

5.     There was no cure and many people died.

6.     The houses of the sick people were guarded.

7.     Cold winter weather stopped the Plague.


Chapter 24


Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     What caused the Great Fire of London?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     How long did the fire burn?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     What stopped the fire?


_________________________________________________________ .



4.     What was destroyed by the fire?




Chapter 25


Explain the meaning of the following words in English.

1.     canal

2.     channel

3.     employer

4.     emploee

5.     export

6.     steam-engine

7.     spinning-machine


Write questions for these answers.


1. __________________________________________________________ ?                                        

   Landless people.


2. __________________________________________________________ ?

         John Wilkinson.




     3. __________________________________________________________ ?


In 1769.



     4. __________________________________________________________ ?


Fine quality plates, cups.








Chapter 26


True or False? Correct the false sentences.


1.     Queen Anne died in 1676.

2.     Britain had a strong navy at that time.

3.     Poor people became the “proletariat” of the cities.

4.     Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool became industrial centres.

5.     English gentry saw the danger of revolution in the countryside.

6.     Many countries in Europe were under Napoleon’s control at that time.

7.     Admiral Lord Nelson won avictory at Trafalger.

8.     Wellington was a great commander.



Chapter 27


Write complete answers to these questions.


1.     Why was Queen Victoria popular?




_________________________________________________________ .



2.     Why were the colonies important for Britain?


_________________________________________________________ .



3.     What were the White Colonies?


_________________________________________________________ .



4.     Why did the empire become a heavy load?



Chapter 28


Explain the meaning of the following words in English.

1.     poverty

2.     wage

3.     charter

4.     strike

5.     bill

Chapter 29


Explain the meaning of the following words in English.

  1. sea routes
  2. mistress of seas
  3. raw materials
  4. governer

Chapter 30


Speak about the member of the Royal Family you like more. Explain your choice. Use the table in your textbook (page 45).






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