Цвет: CCC
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Е.Е. Потяева, учитель английского языка

МБОУ лингвистическая гимназия № 6 г. Пензы



Тема урока: Легко ли быть знаменитым?

Цель урока: Формирование умений монологической речи в формате ГИА на основе услышанного и прочитанного.

Задачи урока:

общеобразовательные – расширить кругозор учащихся; повысить уровень общей языковой культуры;

развивающие – совершенствовать навыки языковой догадки, развивать творческий потенциал учащихся;

воспитательные – воспитывать чувства уважительного от-ношения к партнеру, равно как и к его мнению;

практические – систематизировать лексический материал; развивать умения монологической речи.

Оборудование урока: мультимедийный проектор, экран, ноутбук, мультимедийная презентация; видеозапись, раздаточный материал (карточки-опоры для организации индивидуальной работы, работы в группе и парах).

Ход урока

I. Начало урока (2 минуты).

1. Приветствие.

2. Введение в тему урока.

На экране фотографии знаменитых людей.

T: Look at the blackboard. You see a lot of people different in many ways but they have something in common. What is it?

P: They are celebrities.

T: Great! Looking at their photos can you say how they feel? Why?

Учащиеся высказывают предположения.

T: Can you guess the topic of our lesson?

P: The topic of our lesson is ……. 96

T: I see what you mean. Using different words we have expressed the same ideas. So, the topic of our lesson is “Being a celebrity is not a bed of roses”.

Создание благоприятного психологического климата на уроке и подготовка учащихся к эффективной работе на уроке.

II. Актуализация лексических единиц по теме “ Личность. Характер” (3 минуты).

Учитель предлагает учащимся выбрать из списка на слайде черты характера, помогающие стать знаменитым.

T: You see that peoples character is very important in making career. What characteristic features are considered to be the most significant for being a celebrity? Why?

But why havent you chosen ….? Why do you think it isnt important to be …..?

Актуализация знаний и умений на основе изученного материала.

III. Контроль понимания и организация дискуссии на основе прочитанного дома текста (7 минут). (Приложение 1.)

T: No doubt the way to the fame is undoubtedly difficult. At home you have read a magazine article about it and answered the questions. Open your books and check your answers. Who has no mistakes? How clever you are!

Учитель выводит учащихся на дискуссию через обсуждение заголовка.

T: You see the title of the article is “Young stars- not a bed of roses!” How do you understand it? You are quite right, there are pros and cons of becoming popular, especially if you are too young. Now look through the article and revise the information. Close your books, take card №1 and in pairs complete the table about advantages and disadvantages of being a young star according to the text. You have 2 minutes.

Учащиеся работают в парах (Приложение 2.)

T: You time is up. Well, who will start to read advantages? Everybody, listen to him and be ready to add. If you have this point-put a tick, if not -add it to your list. Now lets discuss your ideas.

Формирование умения чтения с извлечением фактической информации.

IV. Обсуждение результатов анкетирования (3 минуты).

Учитель предлагает послушать результаты опроса, проведенного среди учащихся 9 классов, а также по материалам сети Интернет одним из учеников.

T: But do you want to know how many people want to be a celebrity? …. has had a task to find out this information and she is ready to represent us her results.

V. Работа с видеофильмом (10 минут).

Учитель предлагает видеоинтервью с известным английским актѐром и режиссѐром Ричардом Рифкином.

T: Thanks a lot for your information. You see that practically the same number of people support this or that point of you .Its really difficult to make a choice. I suppose we need advice of an experiences person. Lets watch an interview with Richard Rifkin, a well-known professional actor and director. Listen to him and answer the question “What should you do to move the ladder?” While listening you can make some notes (2 мин). Now answer the question “What should you do to move the ladder according his opinion? Do you agree with him?

Формирование и развитие умения аудирования с извлечением фактической информации.

VI. Формирование умений монологического высказывания в формате ГИА (17 мин).

Учитель просит учащихся разделиться на три группы.

T: So, now who is really inspired by the idea of becoming famous and is ready to give arguments in favour of this point of view-hold your hands and sit down here.

Those who think that being popular is a real curse and has more drawbacks than advantages-sit here.

If you havent made your choice yet, make group here.

T: Groups! Your task is to prove your point of view, using key words from our texts, listening tasks and, of course, your personal experience. Complete the scheme with necessary expressions. You have 5 minutes. And you -the third groups, if you havent made your 98

choice, listen and be ready to ask them some questions which help you to make choice.

Работа в мини-группах.

T: Now your time is up. Groups, prove your point of you. Give us your arguments.

Монологическое высказывание в формате ГИА по теме «Легко ли быть знаменитым?»

VII. Подведение итогов урока, задание на дом (3 минуты).

Монологическое высказывание в формате ГИА по теме «Легко ли быть знаменитым?» (Приложение 3.)

Приложение 1

Young Stars-not a Bed of Roses!

Imagine the look of your classmates face if one day you became famous! Most people believe it must be great to become famous when you are still at school.

But in spite of the advantaged there are drawbacks, too. On the one hand, you get special privileges but on the other, you will not able to have a normal childhood.

First of all, young film stars are allowed to have time off school. Whats more, they are very popular and have lots of friends. Apart from that, they dont have to worry about money or what they are going to do when they leave school.

The biggest disadvantage for famous teenagers is that they dont usually lead a normal life: they have to travel a lot and work long hours.

Thus, in spite of the glamour of being young and famous there are serious drawbacks, too.

Приложение 2

Young Stars-not a Bed of Roses









Приложение 3

С2 Student Card

Task 1 (2.5-3 minutes)

Give a talk on advantages and disadvantages of being a celebrity

Remember to say:

what a celebrity is

• personal qualities of any celebrity

• pros and cons of being a celebrity

• if you would like to be a celebrity 

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